
Transmedia Navigation Institute

Page history last edited by rotanarotana 8 years, 8 months ago





version 0.3 

You are looking at an experiment in self organization and co-creation 

The collaboration technique is to communicate on Twitter and Facebook and store for slow thinking in this wiki.

Each member of the Nemetics Team has full access to the wiki to change as they think appropriate






Transmedia Navigation Institute (TNI)


"@Nemetics: Transmedia as the sea(s), Nemetics as the surf board, interactions and networks of people as the crews for riding waves..."


"@toughLoveforx: For me transmedia implies Intent creates meaning. Your a bundle of Intent."  


"In fact, non-linear thinking style is a necessary skill with the larger theoretical framework of digital literacy

through multiple format known as transliteracy through transmedia learning environment." - Dibyendu De


"Once embraced, constraints are no longer constraints." — @PredictSwan in @NewSocialLearn 


6 networks of TNI: 


"@toughLoveforx@NEMETICS for TNI might be Time, Space, Technology, Trust, Power, Attention Economy,

Engage and Exchange creates bounded coherence."







Master Transmedia


Reading Lists



Emerging People 

The Creative Mind 

Dibyendu De Writings

Nemetical Transmedia Examples

A Transdisciplinary Outsideness: Propelling Design Education into the Realm of Imagined Futures

"Transmedia worlds—Pokémon showed the way, embracing a game, TV, cards, and toys." - Gamepocalypse | WIRED

How Transmedia Made LEGO the Most Powerful Brand in the World


Newsonomics: In the platform wars, how well are you armed? 


 "he’d been enmeshed in a world of Facebook Instant Articles, Apple News, and Snapchat Discover before taking on the fellowship,

he had an epiphany. “When I compiled all the data,” he told me, “I realized the market had completely shifted.”

That combination of mobile and social has, in short order, redefined the news landscape.


Explore: World Map of Transmedia | Jeff Balek


Comments (2)

Bob-RJ Burkhart said

at 10:14 am on Jan 1, 2017

EcoHistory (BioGeography BackTracking) via MentorshipART StoryTech (Art Harkins & George Kubik) CoCreate decision support network for UMN-LeapfrogU (John Morevec) EducationFutures.com to launch Knowmads (SmartMemes) Business School for accelerating FutureThought "Modern Social Change Theory"

Michael J said

at 10:26 am on Jan 1, 2017

The map is a nice addition....

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